Tuesday, March 13, 2007

My Vegetarian Diet

Okay, so today is Tuesday. I decided last Wednesday that I was going to eat vegetarian for a week. I have done very good. I haven't had dairy products except for a little bit of sour cream and cheese at Qdoba twice. I have also not had any meat. Duh! That is the whole idea of being vegetarian. I have lost about 3 pounds during this process and really, other than being hungry more often than I normally am, it hasn't been all that bad. Tomorrow I am free. I can choose whether or not I will eat meat again. What will I do?? I will eat meat and cheese. I love them too much to give them up completely. But I am sure I will be eating healthier from now on out. Especially if it will help me to get back to my pre-Josiah weight. I only have 4 more pounds to go!! :)


Anonymous said...

yeah, I was a vegger for a while in High school...it was ok. I could NOT give up the dairy. I love my cereal too much. Looking forward to tomorrow... and if I don't get to bed soon, it will be tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!

sarah said...

reasons I could never be vegetarian:

1. prime rib
2. chic fil a
3. cheeseburgers
4. cheese
5. cheese dip at mexican restaurants
6. chocolate chip cream cheese ball
(isn't cheese a vegan thing?)
7. chicken wings
8. are eggs off limits? if so, eggs.