Thursday, March 8, 2007

I don't believe it

I can hardly believe it, and you might not either. I actually got myself out of bed this morning and ran all the way to the mailbox and back. I only stopped for a break when I was getting the mail out of the box. I thought I was going to die when I got home because my lungs hurt so bad. My breathing is definitely horrible and I need to work on it a bit. Hopefully I will get better at it and more in shape and before long be able to run the whole loop of our driveway a couple of times without stopping. The beach is coming in June and I need to be ready for it!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cna lay next to you at the beach, you are gauranteed to look thinner!! LOL... I actually bought some maternity suits today... I always seem to be pregnant over summer. I think you should explain to others just how long the trip to you mailbox is though...LOL!!