Monday, July 2, 2007

Enough is enough!

Okay, it has officially been over two weeks since I last posted something. I know I have driven Sarah nuts as she checks often for an update and there is....nothing! So here goes. Quick update and quick look ahead. The last couple of weeks has been a blur. Lesson plans. Cleaning house. Trip to the mountains. Swimming. Steve's birthday. With that all in the past I now have to look forward to the following over the next couple of weeks: Cleaning house. Mother-in-law and Stepfather-in-law visit. Sister-in-law and brother-in-law and nephew visit (x2). Josiah's birthday. Josiah's birthday party. My parents retirement party. Getting out invitations for the aforementioned parties. Poker party. ("I'm all in!!") Cleaning out the pantry. Trying to catch up on Josiah's scrapbook. It is just crazy.

Hopefully in the midst of all this craziness I will find time to post some new material, much more funny and interesting than today's. But for now, I am off to try to knock some tasks off my list. Time is short. I have to make the most of it!

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