Sunday, April 22, 2007

Worn out...

Tonight I am just plain worn out. I have had a really busy week and I think it finally caught up with me. We had company Friday night and Saturday afternoon/evening. We went to another church tonight to see a play that our friends were in and then to friends' house for pizza afterwards. Since the house is basically clean, I am going to try to sleep in tomorrow, as much as the boy will let me. I am hoping that since it is 10:00 and I just put him to bed he will sleep in a little bit.
Other than that, no exciting news. I will try to find something better to blog about in the next couple of days. I just thought I had better put something up here for Sarah to read. She probably has been bored when she visited my page this last week.
Goodbye for now....

1 comment:

sarah said...

How nice of you to think of me! I was getting a little sad that every time I checked, I was still having to read "forward motion". :)

And, nice try with the CCC. I knew you would never eat it all, so I knew you were kidding. :)

It's hard to muster up the strength to get to church. We're slackers. To be honest, the thought of dragging the boy in the car is tiring. THen, the thought of passing the screaming boy around after church stresses me out too. Everyone wants to hold him and no one seems to mind that he cries, but then I get him back, all riled up and frustrated (and hungry) and I just dread that.

Anyhow. All excuses. We're just slack.

The boy tried his bouncy chair twice. He screamed once and sat quietly once. We'll have to see what happens in the best of three...
