Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Second children...

You know what they say, the second child end up with fewer pictures of themselves than the first. The third one is supposedly even worse. I am beginning to believe it. I am 24 weeks pregnant and tonight is the first belly shot I have taken. By this time during my pregnancy with Josiah, I had taken several. Sorry Zoe! I will try to do better. Anyway, enjoy. It is only going to get worse! :)


Anonymous said...

IT is so so true about the second child thing. Poor Anna! I don't think I even got a belly shot of her when I was pregnant.

Anonymous said...

Yep, you gotta get those pictures... says the embittered
4th child who wonders if she ever was a baby due to the lack of documentation. LOL.

sarah said...

you can just show her pictures of your pregnancy with josiah. she'll never know.

just make sure you document the time of birth or 34... errr... 29 years from now, you'll have a daughter off in the world telling everyone about your horrible parenting. (see: previous comment).