Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Busy day and big boo-boo

Since yesterday was Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Steve was off work. We decided to tackle a bunch of things that we had on a list that needed to be accomplished. First we headed to Lexington to Hayes Jewelers. The diamond fell out of my ring during our Christmas visit to Indiana, so we dropped it off so it could be repaired. Then we headed to High Point to look at some furniture places for a bunk bed for Josiah and a recliner for Steve. We didn't find either. Then we headed to Greensboro. We had a gift certificate for Smokey Bones (my favorite restaurant) and wanted to use it up. After a HUGE lunch of BBQ, onion rings, cole slaw, broccoli, crab chowder and a bag of donuts, we headed back toward Winston-Salem. We then made a quick trip to Babies-R-Us to look at double strollers. We bought a Graco that was light blue and gray. It seemed the best choice compared to the other one that was the color of puked up sweet potatoes. (Of course, after I got home, I discovered there is a black and taupe version of the stroller that is available online only, so I ordered that one, and we are taking the blue and gray one back). After Babies-R-Us, we headed to the hospital to visit our friend Heather who is there on bedrest until she has her baby. Josiah was in an unusually good mood, which was surprising since he had only a quick 20 minute nap on the ride back from Greensboro. He was really into entertaining Heather and her family who were there visiting her as well. He was saying his numbers 1-10 and then doing them backwards, singing songs, and giving everyone high fives. After a bit, he tripped and fell. That is when it happened. His first big boo-boo ever. He hit his head on the trash can (which was made of really hard plastic) and ended up with a cut on his eyebrow and a cut on his nose. It took a couple of minutes to console him and to try to keep the cut from bleeding. It wasn't long though, and he was back to his old self, singing and high-fiving. He sang after we left the hospital all the way to the furniture store in Mocksville. Once there he was counting out loud and laughing and having a good time entertaining the sales people. What a tough little kid! I thought maybe he would end up with a black eye, but fortunately he didn't. Here is a couple of pictures of the brave boy and his wound.


sarah said...

perhaps it's YOUR boy who needs the Band-Aid cake!!

i'm still trying to think of the one coolest birthday cake idea. :(

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