Thursday, January 17, 2008

He said "Me!"

I know this is probably not a big deal, but to me, it was. So here goes....yesterday I posted the pictures of Josiah and Grace on the blog. When I was finished, I called Josiah over to show him the pics. I pointed to Grace and asked him who it was. "Rrrace" he says. Then I pointed to him and asked him who it was. He said, "Me!" I thought to myself, there is really no way that this little 18 month old just said "me." Most kids his age (I think) still refer to themselves by their own name. So I just brushed it off as a fluke. Then last night after life groups, I showed Steve the pictures and once again asked Josiah to identify the people in them. Once again, he said "Me!" Again this morning, I get the same response. I know it isn't a big deal, but I just love to see him learning new things and recognizing how to use words. It just warms my heart. I guess seeing him learn is probably my favorite thing about being a mom. I can't wait to see what new thing he comes up with today. Off I go...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep, I would say that shows he is going to be brilliant... like his mother! :)