Monday, September 10, 2007

It's Triplets!!

Just kidding. I am only having one baby. For those of you who actually read my blog and notice that there has been an absence of posts lately, it is due to the fact that I have been battling a pretty bad case of morning sickness. Only, in my case, you can call it morning, noon, and night sickness! I have found that drinking lemonade and eating sausage dip (thanks, Heather!) makes me feel better. So after chugging a huge glass of lemonade, I am able to sit here an update my blog.
Steve and I went to the doctor today for our first visit. They did an ultrasound and the hearbeat looked good! What a relief! They said I am 8 weeks and 3 days along. That makes my due date April 18th. According to my friend Becky who put my information in on the chinese calendar, I am having a girl! I will let you know at the next ultrasound in 12 weeks whether or not she is correct.
Now for a funny story. When I was pregnant with Josiah, we went for our first visit at the doctor's office. When they were weighing me in, Steve being the silly man that he is sometimes, decided to make a joke and say that if I got past a certain weight it was all over with and he was going to leave me. I knew he was kidding but the nurse didn't seem too amused! When she was in the room giving us all the pregnancy information and finding out our medical background, Steve kept up his silly joking. Finally, when she hadn't responded to his humor, he leaned over to me and said out loud, "I don't think she likes me very much!" To which the nurse replied that when he was joking about leaving me over the weight, she didn't find it very funny. That was exactly what had happened to her. When she got pregnant and had her baby, she was unable to lose the pregnancy weight and her husband left her. Guess who felt like a shmuck! We were getting ready to leave the doctor's office today when this same nurse walked into the room with the prescription from the PN. She said that she had recognized my name on the prescription! I am sure that she wouldn't have remembered me if it hadn't been for Steve!! Don't worry, he didn't make any weight jokes this time!
Well, that is all for now. I think I am going to go lay back down on the bed and watch more tv.


~Telah said...

Congratulations! I found you in the comments on Jude's blog. I'm preggos too so just thought I'd drop you a line! Good luck and take care. BTW, very cute son you have!

Anonymous said...

I will make you some more sausage dip anytime you want!! I know from experience that if you find something you like, you better keep eating it :)

Anonymous said...

Thats not funny..I should make you keep the twins for a while!

becky said...

Congratulations! It'll be great to see how Josiah's personality develops with a younger sibling around...