Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Grilled Panini

I have been watching an awful lot of television lately because there isn't too much else to do while I am sitting/lying in bed. I know, I could read, but that takes work. I keep seeing this commercial for the grilled stuffed panini from Lean Cuisine so it kind of starts sticking in my mind, and before you know it, my pregnant self thinks that it sounds like a really good idea. So last night I am at the store and decide to get a couple to try. Today for lunch, I took one out of the freezer, followed the directions on the package to get it all set up and then cooked it in the microwave. I was a bit disappointed because my panini did not come out with the cool grill marks that are on the front of the box. I ate the sandwich and it tasted pretty good. When I was finished eating, I decided to check the back of the box to see if maybe I did something wrong. That was when I discovered in bold print, albeit it wasn't that big, that for better browning you should take the panini out of the freezer five minutes before cooking. So, now I know. I thought I would share this bit of knowlege with you in case you decided one day to try one of these paninis. I will probably eat the other one tomorrow. I will let you know how it goes...

1 comment:

sarah said...

It's a good thing you told me.

Just yesterday, needing to get out of the house with the monster, and because I had a coupon for $2.00 off 10 lean cuisines, and because they were on sale for 5 for $10 at Lowes, I bought 10 lean cuisines and several of them were the Paninis.


ps. i can't want to go to the mall with two whining teething boys. :)