Thursday, February 7, 2008

I'm a big boy now!

Ever since the Sunday night Super Bowl party, where the gates on the steps were down and little ones were free to roam around, Josiah has decided that he is a big boy now and can go up and down the stairs. He is so proud of himself every time he does it. I, on the other hand, have to keep from panicking every time I hear him going up and down. He really does pretty well. You can see from the pictures that he likes to try to climb "big boy" way. Man, he is growing up way too fast!!


Jude said...

the stairs are always hard to get used to. :) He'll do great though... I am guessing he had a little "gaurdian" on Sunday though??? :)

sarah said...

oh how i wish my boy was as cautious as your little man. he's getting better judgment, though. unfortunately, it comes at a cost... :)