Friday, January 19, 2007

Snow day

So we had a "snow day" yesterday. Not a whole lot of snow, but enough that I didn't have to go in and teach home ec. yesterday. I was glad for the day off. Not that my job is hard, but it was a cooking day. That means I have to get all the stuff together to make whatever, including all the utensils. It really ends up being a lot to do.

I decided that I would make good use of my day and get the house cleaned. Well, that didn't happen. I did make some cookies though!! YUM!

I took Josiah out in his new snowsuit. I bought it a long time ago and it still had the tags on it. I was going to be really upset if he didn't get to wear it at least once. So I put it on him and he loved being in it. Once we got outside in the snow, his excitement faded. He didn't really like the feeling of the snow falling on his face. I did help him make a snow angel in the little bit of snow that was on the ground. I also took pictures to put in his scrapbook.

Here is one that I will share with you.....

Can you see the snow angel??
Oh, and I almost forgot. When I was leaving to go meet Steve for dinner before his seminar last night, I saw a deer standing in our backyard from the garage window. I stood there for a minute looking, and then another deer appeared. And then another....and before you knew it, there were NINE deer standing in our backyard. It was absolutely amazing. I didn't want to leave. I just wanted to stand there and admire their beauty.


~stevesgurl~ said...

Sounds like that husband of yours -- what's his name "Steve"? -- is a really super guy. I'd like to meet him.

sarah said...

perhaps stevesgurl should have logged off before stevesgurl's husband tried to leave a witty comment. :)

the "snow" here is a little bit week for snow angels. maybe we can call them slushy grass angels.