Saturday, January 20, 2007

One busy Saturday

First of all, after a late night of scrapbooking at Judi's, I got up this morning at 7:00 (*groan*), got ready and went to a knife skills class at Williams Sonoma. I learned a couple of new things. First off, how to correctly dice an onion. Secondly, never put your knives in a dishwasher. Needless to say, it was worth it just for those couple tidbits of information.
I then scurried off to the library (after a quick stop at Chick-fil-a for breakfast) to meet Steve and Josiah. Steve had a seminar this morning, and we decided that we would start educating Josiah on mutual funds early so we took him along. Funny thing though, he slept through Steve's part of the seminar. Sorry daddy!! :)
Then the group went to Applebees for lunch. I ordered the Fiesta Lime Chicken combo...not for the chicken though...I just wanted the dessert. The Maple Walnut Blondie! YUMMY!!
Ran home for a quick nap, before going to Walmart with my mom.
Came home, unpacked the groceries and then went with Steve to drop the boy off at my parents' house.
We then went on a date to C's Barbecue. It was delicious. I really wasn't too hungry since I had such a big lunch, but it still tasted good.
Came home and did my Bible study on "The Princess" and now I am ready for bed.
Sorry there isn't anything funny to tell today....maybe tomorrow!!