Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Three Random Facts

Mavis thinks that even though I have just had a baby that I have plenty of time on my hands, so she tagged me to write three random facts about myself.  I did the seven facts before. I will try to think of three new things to tell you.

1.  I once ate cow brains. Not by choice, I was ignorant of it until after the fact. It was during the year that I lived in Romania. They consider cow brains over there a delicacy. Me, well, let me just say that once I knew what it was I didn't enjoy it as much. is just the thought.

2.  I didn't get my ears pierced until I was 27 years old. First of all, because my parents wouldn't let me, but that was okay, because I was scared of the thought.  Even when I moved out it took me a while to get it done because I was scared. I had to hug the teddy bear while they did it and even then I still almost passed out.

3.  When I was in high school I had my picture made with Dean Smith and several of the UNC basketball players. I was OBSESSED with Carolina. When I went to college I decorated my half of the dorm room with basketball posters. 

Thanks Mavis for this wonderful opportunity.  Jude and Sarah....consider yourself tagged!!


jena said...

I almost didn't check your blog today thinking there was no way you would have posted already.... thanks for sharing super mama! Hope everyone is settling in and getting in the family four pack groove.

Anonymous said...

love your three randoms.. and ugh on the cow brains!!

Mavis Davis said...

ha! You know it! Don't all new mommies have so much time on their hands! :) hee hee

i gotta come and visit....can't wait to see Baby Zoe