Monday, June 16, 2008

He is starting to like her....

I can see it happening. Slowly, but surely, the boy is warming up to the girl.  I have to admit, I can understand why it has taken so long. Zoe was pretty much anything but enjoyable the first few weeks.  She cried, A LOT, and threw up, A LOT!   The crying obviously bothered Josiah.  Now she is starting to calm down and is in a good mood more than a bad mood, so she is much more tolerable for him to be around. He has now begun to try to "take care" of "sister".  If we are in the car and her head flops forward, he goes crazy until we know what has happened. If she starts crying here at home, he grabs her pacifier and tries to shove it in her mouth, or he pushes her swing really fast to try to get her to quit. He has also tried sharing his fruit leather and pineapple with her before.  I am glad to see that he is beginning to show interest in Zoe, even though it means we have to keep a close eye on him when he is around her.  His latest, and I must say cutest, thing is pushing her around the house in the umbrella stroller.  I was able to capture this quick shot.

1 comment:

Emme Jay said...

They are so adorable:) he will continue to come around and surely he will grow more and more protective of his beautiful little sister. What fruitfulness you two! You must be proud, because you are certainly blessed.