Saturday, November 24, 2007

Self-feeding boy

Our boy is now self-feeding, at least when it comes to certain foods. He has already been doing "finger foods" for a long time, but Thursday he progressed on to foods that he can eat with a spoon. So far he has been successful with oatmeal, yogurt, and applesauce. I am very excited about this although it means I will be doing much more laundry in the days to come! I have posted some pictures of his new feat for you to check out. Kudos to Steve (in the last picture) who has also been working on his self-feeding skills as well. Notice there is hardly any applesauce on his bib! :o)

In other news, Josiah's vocabulary is increasing at an exponential rate. He is now saying things like "You're welcome", "Please", "Love you", and "umbrella". He can also count "Two" and "Three". He always manages to leave out the number one! :o) I cannot believe how quickly he is growing up. At the same time I am so excited about all the new things he is learning!


sarah said...

i think that, should i be forced to choose, i would have to say that josiah is doing a better job than steve.

how's the laundry working out?? a change of clothes per meal? or do you do what i do - strip him down for meals so you can wipe him clean. they should make baby skin windex that you just spray on and wipe down. :)

Anonymous said...

He looks so cute feeding himself! I hate to break it to you... the laundry thing just gets worse and worse... :)