Saturday, June 2, 2007

Contact Crisis

We are going to the beach a week from tomorrow. (I can't wait, btw!) I realized this past week that I had put the last pair of contacts in my eyes. I definitely need to get more because if I go swimming in the pool and accidently open my eyes in the water, there will be no more contacts and I will not be able to see. I would be subjected to wearing my glasses the whole time. Something I would not enjoy very much. So, to remedy the situation, I got on to order some more. I had a little over a week, so that would be plenty of time to get them here. I put in my prescription and billing information and hit send. They called my optometrist to verify the prescription only to find out that my prescription had expired. (Funny thing, I still had so many contacts when I got my eyes checked last that I never ordered any new contacts off that prescription. I had gone mainly to get glasses. The glasses prescription is still good. Ha!) They told me that if the doctor would give me a written prescription that they would be able to fill my order. So Steve went by there after the radio on Thursday to get the prescription. The doctor also gave him an extra set of contacts and also sold him a pair of a new kind that he wanted me to try. I was so relieved. That would be enough to get me through the beach trip and I could go get my eyes checked when I got home. When Steve brought them home, I looked at them and realized he had given Steve the wrong prescription. He had both of my eyes as being -3.0 and I know that each eye has a different prescription. So, I went back by there yesterday around 1:00. The sign on the door said, "Closed, be back at 2:30". So I went and wasted an hour then went back. The sign was still on the door. The lady in the optical department told me that the doctor was not in and that he would not return until today!! Arrgh! I had wasted the hour and a half for nothing. So FINALLY today I went by there. The doctor was in. I had to wait about 30 minutes while he finished up with a patient that was talking so loudly that I heard every word. She was telling the doctor her life story and every one elses. (It was actually kind of interesting.) When he was finished with her, he was able to help me and I got the right prescription and right contacts!! Yay!! Steve tells me I should just get Lasik so I don't have to worry about it....but I am not quite ready for that yet. I will take this contact hassle over them cutting the cornea of my eye anyday!! :)


Anonymous said...

So glad you got your contacts! I wish we had gotten Micah the surgery before his eyes became so bad it wouldn't help!! When do we leave for the beach?? J/K... although a girls trip to the beach sounds like fun!!)

sarah said...

first of all - that IS long!

secondly - get the lasiks!

thirdly - i want to go to the beach!!

sarah said...

fourthly - i can't figure out how to get my picture to show up. :(

sarah said...

ok, i think i got it.

sarah said...
